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Institut für Pharmakologie und präventive Medizin
Dr. Bramlage & Dr. Hankowitz Partnerschaft

Partner: Prof. Dr. Peter Bramlage, Dr. Johannes Hankowitz
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München PR 917
Adelsbergstraße 23 · 81247 München
IPPMed – Institut für Pharmakologie
und präventive Medizin GmbH

Geschäftsführer: Dr. Claudia Lüske
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Oldenburg, HRB 209024
Bahnhofstrasse 20 · 49661 Cloppenburg

Responsible Authority

Dr. Claudia Lüske
Tel.: +49 4471 850 3331

Zuständige Kammern
Bayerische Landesapothekerkammer
Maria-Theresia-Str. 28 · 81675 München
Ärztekammer Land Brandenburg
Dreifertstraße 12 · 03044 Cottbus

Occupational Titles

Occupation, Peter Bramlage: Doctor
Occupation, Johannes Hankowitz: Pharmacist
(Occupational titles awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany)

Competent Supervisory Authority

Regierung von Oberbayern
Maximilianstraße 39 · 80538 München
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Brandenburg
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 10/11 · 14469 Potsdam

Professional Regulations

The professional regulations can be found at:
Regulations for doctors:
Regulations for pharmacists:
Detailed occupational regulations for doctors and pharmacists can be found in the “Legal” section of the websites.

Legal Notice

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The content of this website was produced with the utmost care and conscience. However, the website provider does not assume any liability for the topics, completeness, and accuracy of the pages and content provided.
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This website contains external links to other websites, the content of which the provider of this website has no control over. For this reason, the respective provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the time the external links were established, no legal violations were evident. If an infringement becomes apparent, the link will be removed immediately.

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The content, work, and information provided on this website are subject to German copyright and intellectual property law. Any duplication, processing, distribution, storage, or any kind of use outside the limits of the copyright, requires prior written consent of the respective copyright owner. The unauthorised copying/storage of the provided information on this website is not permitted, and is punishable.

Photos: Adobe Stock –
Website: Michael Stumm –

IPPMed – Institut für Pharmakologie und Präventive Medizin GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 20 · 49661 Cloppenburg
Menzelstrasse 21 · 15831 Mahlow

Institut für Pharmakologie und Präventive Medizin Dr. Bramlage & Dr. Hankowitz Partnerschaft
Adelsbergstraße 23 · 81247 München